Trying something(s) new

So I have obviously struggled to stay on top of the blog and keep the post coming. So I am trying something new. Well I am actually trying a lot of new things. I have decided to use the blog as an online workout journal. As I workout and move forward in my fitness journey I am going to use the blog to talk about everything and let you all follow along with me. This isn’t a big difference to the blog, but I want to avoid feeling like I need to blog and like I have to find something to write about. Whatever pops into my head and whatever I do that day I will write about. Basically making a private journal public on the web.

One of the other things I have started doing is using cross-fit WOD’s as a component to my workout program. I am still following Big Man on Campus, but I have added the WOD as the beginning to my workouts. BMOC has about 10 exercises in a day or about an hour of work. So I will complete the WOD and then modify BMOC to reach 10 exercises for the day or an hour of work. Here is a weekly schedule:


No matter what the WOD is for Sunday I take Sunday off. On Saturday if the WOD is all body weight and a workout I can do at home I do the WOD. Anything requiring I go to the gym means and extra rest day.

Today’s routine was 2 min of rowing, 2 min of pullups, 2 min rowing, 2 min of burpees, 2 min rowing and 2 min of situps. To score the workout you add your calories from rowing to your number of exercise reps. My total was 176.

I have also started oil pulling. My wife says it gets the toxins out of your body and has led to reduced migraines, inflammation, better mouth health, less bloating, clearer skin, better sleep and higher energy. How do you get these results? Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and then spit it out. That’s it! So far I can say I have been less bloated feeling and have more energy. However I have started working out everyday again, and am eating a very clean diet. So  I don’t know if that is the real reason. But I can say that by doing all three things I am very satisfied. Maybe I will start to notice some more benefits and be able to let you know more later.

Well those are the thing on my mind today. Hope you learned a little something from it. Oh yeah- I finished API and check into my first training squadron tomorrow! So that’s cool.


Monday Catch-Up and Routine Change

I finally got a nice day and was able to fly. With that comes an oral board tomorrow and a check ride to prove to my instructors I can take the plane up on my own. The next few days are big for me, and during the midst of studying I wanted to check in with everyone. I figured typing a few lines in between flash cards will help my mind and keep me focused over the next few hours.

So, lets catch up. The big thing I wanted to talk about today, was my decision to change my routine. While I was performing Jim Stoppani’s 6 weeks to shred, I was bored. I finished through week 4, and I really enjoyed the workouts, but I was getting bored and ready for a new routine. Like I mentioned in my article about bulking vs shredding, the workout is not the difference, it is the calories. So over the next two weeks I will be eating the same calories, 2200 plus calories burned in the gym. At the two week mark of my new workout I will begin eating 2559 calories plus calories burned. This will keep my on a shred diet for 6 weeks and then I will begin a period of gaining.

What is my new workout? It is Steve Cook’s Big Man on Campus. This is the same workout I used in January to drop from 190 to 175 (over 12 weeks). This time around I will be eating for a clean bulk and will shoot for a gain of 5 pounds and limiting fat. Once my goal is reach I will decrease calories for maintenance and will attempt to stay at 180 pounds while growing stronger and letting fat reduce a little more. This phase is similar to a shred. If you eat appropriately it will allow muscle to grow and fat to burn at an equal rate.

On top of the BMOC routine, I will be added in Situps, Pullups, and Pushups. On Monday/Thursday I will perform 20 pullups and this will be done in the fewest possible sets. Tuesday/Friday I will perform 100 situps in the fewest possible sets. And I will finish with Wednesday/Saturday 100 pushups in the fewest sets possible. The goal will be to continue to decrease the sets until I can do the exercise in a single set.

My upcoming schedule looks like I will be in API in the next 10 days. If this is the case I will update you on the calorie plan and workout routine. During API we swim daily, and so I will avoid the gym during this period of time. Once API is complete I will pick up on my gaining program. Sometimes the Navy just doesn’t fit with my gym plans.


Playing Catch-Up

The flight schedule has been a little crazy recently and while I was able to find time to workout, I neglected the blog a little. I want to go ahead and catch up with everyone and let you know where I am.

This week marked the final stage of the Shortcut to Shred. Weeks 4 through 6 lower your calorie intake from 2600 calories a day to 2200 a day. This well ensure a good reduction of body fat, and help create that lean and cut look.

Today is also the 45 of my 365 day challenge. In the situp pushup challenge we are on day 26. The number for today is 90. Take your time and don’t rush. If you need a little break, take one, the most important thing is don’t sacrifice your form.

Now that we are up to date with all of that, I am looking ahead to my next phase of training. Earlier this year I followed the big man on campus and ate a low calorie diet. In those 12 weeks I saw my strength sky-rocket and my weight drop. I lowered my body fat almost 7%. This time around I plan on eating a clean bulk diet, and following the routine. I expect to gain 3 to 5 pounds over the 12 week period, maintain a body fat of slightly less than 10% and see another boost of strength. This time around will be much different than before because I will have excess calories for use.

Over the next few days I will post articles on clean bulking as well as calorie intake for appropriate weight gain and muscle development. Stay tuned!



Weekend Catch Up

This past weekend I was home alone! The wife and kid went to Jacksonville Florida and celebrated Grandma Clark’s birthday. I wish I could have gone, however I had to take the End Of Course and FAA exams. Once that was complete, it was a guys weekend!

Saturday evening I went to the Ice Flyers hockey game. The Pensacola Ice Flyers lost to the Louisiana Ice Gators 4 to 0. It was a really good time, and I got to see a couple of fights. I think Em would have a good time, and I want to go back for our next date.


After the game I went to McGuire’s Irish Pub and Steakhouse. If you haven’t been, be careful with the restrooms. And that’s all I can say. I had a Pensacola Bay Brewery Oktoberfest brew and the best hamburger I have ever had. I highly recommend you give the restaurant a try.

On our way in, my friend and I passed a couple of guys outside who had had a little too much to drink. AN hour and a half later when we walked out, they were still there. It turns out that the designated driver had been drinking and was unable to really even walk. We had a quick conversation and found out the young guys were airmen from base. We instructed them to call a cab and head back or to a hotel if they had a room for the night. After a few minutes we headed to the car and got ready to leave. I didn’t have a good feeling about the situation and as we were pulling out of the parking lot the two guys were speaking to another guy, who was obviously drunk.

At this point I had already identified myself to the Airmen and instructed them to call a cab. Since that was happening I backed the car up and parked again. We got out and headed to the group. Without hesitation we separated the new guy from the two original guys and found out he was not with them at all. While we got him to leave I also told the the guys to call a cab now, while I was watching, or let me call the cab and send them to base. This got their attention and they called for a cab. Once the cab arrived I spoke with the driver and we got the boys back to base safely.

Sunday I slept in until about 10 and then got up and went for 3.51 mile run. It was the best I had felt in long while and I completed the run in 29 minutes. I think it had something to do with the classical music I was listened too. Kept me calm and in control, and the rhythm allowed me to control my breathing. If you have never run to classical music, I suggest trying it.

After running I took care of a few surprises for my wife, studied for my first flight tomorrow, and the took care of some chores. I finished by watching a movie with the sound turned up and the lights off. It was a great end to the weekend and I am glad I was able to have some time to myself to reset after a tough two weeks.


Today is day 36 of the 365 day challenge.
Is is Day 17 of the 30 day push-up challenge. Today is 75 push-ups and sit-ups.

Keep up the good work. Tomorrow I have a low calorie, protein packed snack to share with you.

Shall We Try Again?

In the midst of moving from Norfolk to Pensacola, two things happened. First I didn’t make time to blog, and second I didn’t work out. I pledged to workout 365 days in a row, however with long days on the road, and a couple of 40oz curls, I took time off.

At first this did not really bother me. I was accomplishing my move and as a family, we were starting a huge, and new chapter in life. But once I arrived at the new house, I began to feel like this:


Unfortunately I was out of my element and out of rhythm. Even buying new running shoes, and completing a 5K with my wife, couldn’t get me back in gear. I had lost momentum and was enjoying my down time.

However, that is not me. I will never be able to ignore working out and taking care of myself. I didn’t spend 4 years of my life studying exercise science because I liked the theory of it. I did it because of my love and passion for being healthy. Nothing beats taking care of yourself and others, and after a little pep talk, I was back.

So today it is official. I am restarting the 365 days of exercise. Today’s routine- weight lifting for strength and size.

I have posted a few of the exercises in the past, but here is the complete workout for my new Day 1:

  • Bench Press 4 rounds of 12 to 15
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 rds or 12 to 15
  • Cable Crossover 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Triceps Pushdown 4 rds of 12 to 15
  • Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Standing Calve Raises 3 rds of 25
  • Seated Calve Raises 3 rds of 25

The first few exercises felt pretty hard, but after the Muscle Strength and BioCharge kicked in, I began to really feel the burn and pump, and by the end of the workout I felt like this:


I am not big on pre-workout supplements, and I don’t drink caffeine, but the animo acid supplements by AdvoCare have been great. Some days you just a little pick me up in your workout, and I have found BioCharge to be the best one out there.

Tomorrow I have a huge medical exam for flight school, but I will be sure to get in a workout and let you know how it goes!