Shall We Try Again?

In the midst of moving from Norfolk to Pensacola, two things happened. First I didn’t make time to blog, and second I didn’t work out. I pledged to workout 365 days in a row, however with long days on the road, and a couple of 40oz curls, I took time off.

At first this did not really bother me. I was accomplishing my move and as a family, we were starting a huge, and new chapter in life. But once I arrived at the new house, I began to feel like this:


Unfortunately I was out of my element and out of rhythm. Even buying new running shoes, and completing a 5K with my wife, couldn’t get me back in gear. I had lost momentum and was enjoying my down time.

However, that is not me. I will never be able to ignore working out and taking care of myself. I didn’t spend 4 years of my life studying exercise science because I liked the theory of it. I did it because of my love and passion for being healthy. Nothing beats taking care of yourself and others, and after a little pep talk, I was back.

So today it is official. I am restarting the 365 days of exercise. Today’s routine- weight lifting for strength and size.

I have posted a few of the exercises in the past, but here is the complete workout for my new Day 1:

  • Bench Press 4 rounds of 12 to 15
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 rds or 12 to 15
  • Cable Crossover 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Triceps Pushdown 4 rds of 12 to 15
  • Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions 3 rds of 12 to 15
  • Standing Calve Raises 3 rds of 25
  • Seated Calve Raises 3 rds of 25

The first few exercises felt pretty hard, but after the Muscle Strength and BioCharge kicked in, I began to really feel the burn and pump, and by the end of the workout I felt like this:


I am not big on pre-workout supplements, and I don’t drink caffeine, but the animo acid supplements by AdvoCare have been great. Some days you just a little pick me up in your workout, and I have found BioCharge to be the best one out there.

Tomorrow I have a huge medical exam for flight school, but I will be sure to get in a workout and let you know how it goes!